I have been a member of the Madison Valley History Association since 2009. In 2011, I designed and produced the Madison Valley History Association Cookbook which is already in its third printing. The cookbook features a wide range of recipes contributed by members of our community along with historical and current photos of families and places that make it personal and unique to Ennis. It is a spiral bound edition, printed in full color and is available at the Ennis Chamber of Commerce year round for $15 each. Copies are also available at the History Museum on Montana State Highway 287 South towards Virginia City during the summer months. See our Facebook Page for more information. Here are a few sample pages from the book.
- MVHA Cookbook Cover Page
- Dedication Page to “Smitty” Overstreet
- The Good Wife’s Guide
- Grandma’s Apron
- Anita Ames Page
- Applegate’s Page
- Can you guess where this is?
- Old Fashioned Remedies
- Soap and Hand Lotion!! Oh my!
- “My recipes and notes” pages
- Amazing things you never knew page
- And the answer is………..page
In 2014, I designed a deck of Historical Playing cards. With the help of the Board of Directors members, we picked out many cards to use in the deck. After I photo edited them, I researched the person/place/thing and wrote the text for each card. With the museum being closed in the winter, they are for sale at Willie’s Distillery on Main St, Ennis, MT for $10 each. (you can find Willie’s on Facebook)
I created a booklet describing the BEAST. We also have children’s T-shirts for sale with a photo of the “Beast”!