ENNISOPOLY GAME It’s a fun, family game all about Ennis. Each square is represented by a business owner, the draw cards make you happy to receive $$ or sad to pay! When you land on the Lions Club corner you win the Bingo Jackpot in the center of the board. Instead of going to Jail, you go to the museum and stay with the “Beast”! Fun for the whole family! On sale now at the Ennis Pharmacy on Main Street.
Other projects include a SOUVENIR POSTER of Ennis, MT for 2012. The poster features a central, aerial view of Ennis, bordered by photos of buildings, art, animals and notable images unique to Ennis that depict life in and around our town. This project, which involved several months of photographing, planning and editing, allowed me to become even more appreciative of the unique history and character of our town. The full-color poster is 16” x 20” and sells for $15 unframed. It is also available in a beautiful hand crafted weathered barn wood frame for $30. It is currently on display and available for purchase at Grandma’s Overflow shop on South Chowning St.
Ennis Postcards $1 each
- Souvenir poster postcard – $1
- Ennis town postcard
- Greetings transparent
- Greetings
- Wood branded
- Leather branded
- Retro Ennis
- Ennisopoly
- Cowboy sunset
- Transparent Cowboy
- River cowboy
- Click on FIRST FLOOR for Ennis, MT Memoriabilia
- Winter
- Small Town, Big Heart
- Ennis, MT Greeting Cards – 2/$3
- Ennis Eateries
- Sleeping quarters
- Click on FIRST FLOOR for Ennis, MT Memoriabilia
- Ennis Art
Ennis Greeting Cards – 2/$3
A tri-fold brochure of Ennis – $3 each
Wooden Postcards with wire attached for hanging – $10 each.
Ennis Wrapping Paper – Views of Main Street Ennis and Mountains – $10 each roll
In 2014, I created a City Map for Ennis. It hangs in the gazebo in Grandma Ennis’ Park on Main Street, Ennis, MT. It is 36″ x 36″ printed on aluminum. It includes the Main Street businesses and those on the highways north and south of town. The new map features a list of sculptures and points of interest in and around Ennis that you may not even know exist! You will also find city information, a list of local churches, Ennis eateries, a mileage chart and a photo of our founding father, William Ennis whose wife Katherine donated the land for the park where the gazebo is located.

Ennis Walking Tour Booklet, 2023 Created with a friend to highlight the old buildings in downtown Ennis, Montana. History and fun facts about the life and times in Ennis